Pearl Ex is a pearlescent medium used to alter color and its most dramatic effects occur when applied on dark cardstock. It comes in two forms - powder and paint. The powder can be mixed with any viscous medium such as glue, gum arabic or acrylic medium (the base for any acrylic paint). It can also be sprinkled into other mediums such as embossing powder and it can be rubbed on to highlight small areas. The paint must be used as paint. Pearl Ex comes in a variety of colors including, pearl, gold, green, red and blue.
First stamp, emboss, and color the image as you normally would. If you have used dark cardstock, you will not be able to see the colors that you used but don't worry, this is where the magic of Pearl Ex comes in. If you are using Pearl Ex in powdered form, mix a fingernail full of the Pearl Ex color of your choice with about one tablespoon of medium. Using the brush, paint the Pearl Ex over the previously colored areas and watch the colors come to life. The colors will appear to have a pearlescent sheen, will be a combination of the marker color and the Pearl Ex shade used and will pop right off of the dark cardstock!
To see a project using this technique Click Here